Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day 28: "Beautiful"

I have a playlist or "station" on Spotify that I titled "singy songs" because they are songs I love to sing along with. Some of them are catchy, but most of them are moving in some way. There are 20 songs on that list, and 17 of them are about Jesus. There is just something about worship music that blows my mind. A song doesn't have to be loud or complicated. It can be the simplest melody and just a few words, and it can still shake people. Worship music is about the attitude of your heart as you sing, listen, or pray through a song. Since worship doesn't just mean music, it's more about what you've spent time doing before that moment than what is happening or being played at any particular time. Some people think you have to sing along to really experience a song, but sometimes just letting the lyrics wash over you as you sing in your heart is better. I can't wait to get to Heaven because we will be praising and singing songs of praise all the time, and I think it will be amazing. This song is one from my Spotify list. It's not complicated. It's just true and real.


Here before Your alter
I am letting go of all I've held
Of every motive, every burden
Everything that's of myself

And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are

Beautiful, beautiful
Oh, I am lost for more to say
Beautiful, beautiful
Oh Lord You're beautiful to me

Here in Your presence
I am not afraid of brokenness
To wash Your feet with humble tears
I would be poured out till nothing's left

And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are

Beautiful, beautiful
Oh, I am lost for more to say
Beautiful, beautiful
Oh Lord You're beautiful to me

You're beautiful, oh You're beautiful
Beautiful, beautiful

Holy, holy, holy You are, You are
Holy, holy, holy You are, You are
Holy, holy, holy You are, You are
Holy, holy, holy You are, You are

Beautiful, beautiful
Oh, I am lost for more to say
Beautiful, beautiful
Oh Lord You're beautiful to me

You're beautiful
Beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful, beautiful

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