Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 31: Grace

If there is one thing I have learned over these last 31 days, it's this:

I am allowed to give myself grace.

I am notoriously quick to condemn myself and yet offer grace and 2nd and 3rd and 50th chances to those around me. I've noticed the contradiction, and I don't want to stop giving more chances to those I love. Yes, I know I need to protect myself and there are extremes. There are always extremes. But here's the thing. Jesus KNEW Judas would betray Him, and He still loved him the same as His other friends.

This month, I didn't run every time I said I would. I had an allergic reaction, got a little sick, fought off really getting sick, drank a lot of coffee, drank a lot of water, started eating more vegetables and less sodium, watched baseball, discovered a matte topcoat for my fingernail polish, sang a lot, and wrote a little bit. Among other things. I didn't write every day for 31 days. I joked with my boyfriend early on that instead of "a post a day for 31 days", mine was more like "31 posts within 31 days". And I think that's okay.

I'm allowed to give myself grace. It's okay for me to believe what God says about me instead of what I say about me. I wish I had been able to run more this month, but that just means I really have to get on it in the next months so I'll be ready for the 15K in January. Like I've said before, sometimes real life happens and "gets in the way" of our plans. But usually those are the times that I've learned to treasure the most. Those are the times that reveal something about ourselves and our priorities. Those times are grace too.

Since it's Halloween today, here's a picture from the church costume party last night. (It doesn't matter that this morning I have bags under my eyes and my lips are stained from the lipstick, right?) We had a great time!

(This boy is another picture of grace. Also, you can't see much of them, but I painted some knockoff Keds yellow for this outfit--the same yellow I used to paint the bowtie. They were the best part of the whole costume!)

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