Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 17: Listen

I haven't been running this week. I wrote on Tuesday about having an allergic reaction, and the effects of that have lingered through the rest of the week. So I didn't run today either. Plus it was raining. I don't mind running in the rain when it's warm outside, but it's officially Fall in Georgia, and I've been "under the weather" this week already, so I didn't think running in the cold rain would be a good idea. This weekend the weather is supposed to be perfectly Fall-ish. Highs in the low 70s, and lows in the mid 40s. Sunny with just a few clouds. It sounds glorious. Makes me want to go to a pumpkin patch and drink apple cider. :) I've been wearing boots for a couple of weeks already, and if you know me, you know I wear scarves year round. So it's nice for the weather to finally catch up to what I've already been doing. Ha.

Tonight, instead of running, I grabbed some books and my journal and set off for Starbucks. I had a free drink on my rewards card (best feeling ever), so I ordered a decaf drink and sat down, put my headphones in and read and listened and wrote. Even though I talk to God every day, it's good for me to write out my words to Him sometimes. There have been times when journaling my prayers has allowed me to see how ridiculous and anxious I was being. There have been times when it's allowed me to see a part of the big picture I was missing before. But mostly, it always helps me focus. If you're like me and most other people, it's easy to get distracted when you're praying unless you're praying out loud or writing it down. So writing helps me stay focused. I've had a pretty busy week. Add that to not feeling 100% awesome, and I was pretty worn out and worn down. Tonight, I was able to take a little time and just be still and listen.

It's important for us to take care of ourselves. No one else knows what you need except you and Jesus, and most of the time we don't even REALLY know what we need. So just like we have to listen to our bodies when training for anything, we need to listen to our souls too. If you stop and listen for even just a second, you'll know when you need a break. And taking that break is the best thing you can do for yourself and for the ones you love. If that means coffee, Pandora, and your journal like me, then that's awesome. If taking a break means girls' night out (or in), going to a movie, or whatever, that's great. Just take care of yourself. Listen.

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